Friday, February 26, 2010

To: My Dear Classmates,
Time pass really really fast and with a blink of eyes and we are all already secondary 4 and going to take our N level this year.With our 4 years of friendship,i think it can be improve more and hopefully we will contact each other and gather together.Remember when you get into society,please try to plan your time or else you will be busy everyday and no time spent with old friends le..:D I do still remember that when we are in sec 1s we are all so innocent and not mature but now mostly all are mature accept for some people they have not mature. For those we haven change your attitude try change before you go ITE or else no one willing to make friend with you. which i don't want it to happen to your. Enjoy the life NOW :D Stay together,go out together and do everything together (dont think other way) as a class to prove that we have class spirit and it will be always there.
Will be updating this blog so make it not remember to check for the updates :D
(my english is not so good,hope your don't mind)
Labels: Class Chairman, Elizabeth
what we could have been, 4:41 AM.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Have change classblog background and tagbox. So please tag with ur name , if u wan to tag :D Whoever wan to update the blog just get the email and password from Elizabeth{class-chairman} , Danish or Yixin . Any comment feel free to tag at the tagbox! If u have change your blog link please tag at the tagbox and let us update it (:
what we could have been, 2:12 AM.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
HELLO 4T1,the class blog looks dead.We will have year end chalet around November or December.But hope your will attend because maybe is our last gathering before we go to ITE.As ITE is the so called freedom where you have wings and can fly everywhere you wan le.So hope most of your will attend and have a great day at the chalet.Chalet dates haven book because too early so :D ...Almost forgot we going to invite the trainers from INNOTREK and AGAPE hope your dont mind ...Chairman here and hope your will pass all your subjects with distinction and go to ITE. Hope your can get into Poly and will see your there. Keep your update if anything.Labels: Class Chairman, Elizabeth :D
what we could have been, 3:06 AM.