Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello Peeps, This blog has been Died for a few months and i will make it alive again. Exams is in the starting of it and hope your study hard and most but not least don't stress yourselves up. Relax a little but not so much. Tomorrow will be Maths Paper 1 and hope your can pass with flying colors and get good marks for Mr Rafi to see. Good Luck everyone for your exams for this week and next week. Skip the question that you do not know how to do and continue doing the easy question and after that then go back to the question which is difficult. :DLabels: Class Chairman ; Elizabeth
what we could have been, 6:53 AM.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Class blog seem dead ): Exam coming in 2weeks time and N level in a few month time ! Jiayous all ! And study hard , but also must play harder :D
what we could have been, 9:24 PM.